Comments on: 3D Printing as a Production Technology - Wed, 13 Oct 2021 21:20:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Wed, 13 Oct 2021 21:20:56 +0000 Maybe it is too obvious but what I miss in the list of advantages is the added form freedom: 3D prints do not have to be released from a mould. I also miss that 3D printing allows for multiple parts to be integrated, thus reducing the need for assembly, welding etc. Generative design is mentioned as it may result in 3D forms which cannot produced in any other way than 3D printing but I would say generative design is an extreme: 3D printing already offers form and integration advantages in traditional design processes which do not use generative design.

By: mechanical engineer Mon, 14 Jan 2019 12:00:31 +0000 3D print technology has given different perspective to see towards the engineering. It has changed the way for the innovation. It has made easy to make small design models .

By: Peter Kennebeck Wed, 02 Jan 2019 03:24:13 +0000 I have enjoyed the emails for over a year now!I don’t know if I missed it or if you have published much about ceramic types of 3-D printing I’m interested in a high temp low weight ceramic design .

By: James Thompson Fri, 09 Oct 2015 15:29:34 +0000 I agree with Peter. In applications that require light yet structurally strong parts, such as a quad copter application, 3d printing may be your best route. You cannot produce structural infill with injection molding. Most aircraft parts machine holes into them to reduce weight. With 3d printing there is no need to introduce holes because the infill reduces the weight while maintaining strength. There may be applications where this is more advantageous than drilling holes into a part.

By: Peter van der Zouwen Wed, 07 Oct 2015 07:33:51 +0000 Any light-weighting of mechanical parts is easier and cheaper with 3D printing.
