Comments on: Hands-on Review: TPU Filament - Fri, 12 Mar 2021 12:42:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cameron Naramore Mon, 13 Apr 2020 18:13:46 +0000 No, the material was completely dry as it was brand new in a sealed package. There was no popping while printing and all of the top layers and walls are solid, as evidenced by the fact that I poured resin into it without any leaks. The images can be clicked for larger versions.

By: Jonathan Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:29:54 +0000 I’m sorry, but based on the images it looks like the filament was damp and that is been popping all the time while printing. Either that or you’ve got some real underextrusion going. Would you mind posting some close-ups? If it was indeed damp or underextruded the strength results should really be redone.
